Kawlija Brahim – Learning Leadership Skills in Aotearoa
Kawlija Brahim – Learning Leadership Skills in Aotearoa
An Aboriginal student from Perth’s Swan View Senior High School says that other young First Nations peoples can benefit greatly from cross cultural experiences gained while visiting other countries.
Warramungu woman Kawlija Brahim was the only Aboriginal person among a final group of 16 which was selected from 100 Australian students to visit Sydney, Wellington, Auckland, Waitangi, and Rotorua as part of the UN Youth Aotearoa Leadership Tour.
The tour consisted of workshops learning about First Nations people’s rights around the world and visiting Māori-language immersion schools which teach and practice Māori cultural values. It’s all part of a program called Follow The Dream – an educational enrichment program for Aboriginal students across the lands co managed by the Graham Polly Farmer Foundation.
Kawlija spoke to Philippe Perez about her experiences in Aotearoa.